Mutton Fried Rice Recipe Ala Kebon Sirih

Fried Rice recipe that is in Indonesia, there is indeed a lot of kinds of its kind which varied according to taste and the origin areas, such as the Javanese fried rice, fried rice spice spices, Chinese fried rice, nasi goreng Goats and many more types of fried rice which certainly has a distinctive flavour of each other. In some home to eat a lot of fried rice menu renders as a menu mainstay with advantages and characteristic restaurants, suppose Spice fried rice with spices and super spicy fried rice that this end was popularized by Mafia brand fried rice, fried rice Goat betel groves would we discussed this time and much more that I can not mention one by one dipembahasan this time

The difference Nasi goreng Kambig Recipe  Ala nasi goreng Kebon Sirih with generally lies in herbs and spices spices that make some fried rice ala betel groves goats has growing and loyal fans, for those of you who are fond of tasty culinary hunting you might have ever tasted goat fried rice which has a distinctive flavour of the archipelago with the typical spice spices spicy taste that is undoubtedly keenakannya.

Fried Rice recipe Mutton Kebon Sirih is not only tasty but also using quality ingredients and spices spice choices coupled with fresh goat meat and mutton fried rice made with quality as the Favorites menu and icon this diner, which makes fans willing to take time out of her just for a plate of fried rice. But for those who are outside the city of jakarta do not grieve first because can not enjoy it fried rice because this time the admin ResepOnline.Net will share the secret recipes of betel Groves fried rice which is certainly no less delicious fried rice with goat that is in betel groves. Actually to produce goat's delicious fried rice ala betel groves not far different from making regular fried rice we make at home is very easy and we practise

If you've never had fried rice ala betel groves goats naturally feel intrigued by delicious, and would like to know how to make and cook it right? And for those of you who are curious with the recipe, you can practice the recipes that I will discuss this time to thoroughly and admin guarantee no less enjoy fried rice with goat dikebun existing betel.

Mutton Fried Rice Recipe Ala Kebon Sirih


FRIED RICE as much as 550 grams
of cinnamon bay leaf 3 cm as much as much as 2 sheets of goat meat (cubed) by as much as 400 grams of goat Broth sebnyak 400 grams 200 grams as much ghee as much Cloves 3 grains of Cardamom seed 3 salt to taste as much of the sweet soy sauce to taste


Garlic PUREE in as many as 4 cloves of onion 7 cloves cumin tea powder ½ TSP powdered Tea as much as much as ½ TSP cayenne pepper as much red pepper as much as 10 pieces 10 pieces


Preheat cooking oil, after oil rather the heat enter the cinnamon, bay leaf and seasoning spice paste and then Saute until fragrant. Pour the broth along with the goat goat meat into a stir fry seasoning then let sit a few moments until the water dries and mutton broth really mature and become soft. The next step enter the cold rice and then stir to blend well and pour the soy sauce and salt to taste, stir stir again until well blended seasonings and rice turned out perfectly. Lift and turn off the stove, the betel Groves fried rice is ready to be served.

The more discussion Resep Nasi Goreng Kebon Sirih-style Goat could serve an easy admin then hopefully adding references to cook for you. Betel groves fried rice you can also process by giving a few complementary ingredients like cucumbers, crackers or chips, tomatoes that will add kenimatan in the goat eating fried rice. And for those of you who have high cholesterol or high blood pressure mengindap so that reduce consuming this menu.

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